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BSc CSIT – Page 5 – Genuine Notes

IPv4 Subnetting in Nepali | VLSM | Networking | BIM | Fifth Semster | Advance Internetworking (AIW)

IPv4 Subnetting in Nepali | FLSM | Networking | BIM | Fifth Semester | Advance Internetworking (AIW)

Conversion of Ethernet Address to IPv6 Address Video Explained in Nepali | BIM | Fifth Sem | AIW

Conversion of IP Multicast Address to Ethernet (MAC) Multicast Address Video Explained in Nepali | BIM | Fifth Semester | AIW

TF|DF|IDF|Information Retrieval

IPv6 Address Abbreviation Explained in Nepali | BIM | Fifth Semester | AIW | Networking

Java Programming Practical Questions Answers

Finding First and Last IP Address Numerical Explained in Nepali | BIM | Fifth Semester | AIW

Vector Space Model|Information Retrieval Model|B.Sc.CSIT Seventh Semester

Model of feature space as a t-dimensional vector space. Each dimension represents a term or concept (found in documents).Each document and query is represented as a point in the space.Groups of documents are represented by their centroid point

Boolean Retrieval Model|Information Retrieval|B.Sc.CSIT Seventh Semester

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